Currently, Invisalign is among the most popular options for invisible, custom-made clear aligners. These clear aligners can fix mismatched teeth and bites (over and under). Yo
If you are already pregnant or planning for a baby then please do not ignore this blog post. This post is meant for you, why? A large number of people – either already pregn
If you’ve decided to straighten your crooked teeth or correct a misalignment, choosing the right dental practice for your treatment will play a vital role in achieving your
The cost of Invisalign is a common query for most new Invisalign patients and people who want to undergo Invisalign treatment. To get the exact cost of your Invisalign treatm
Are you worried about how your teeth may look? Feel shy to laugh around your friends or in public? Can’t get the smiling pictures you're looking for? Well, we have all the
Everyone wants to enjoy a smooth journey through their Invisalign treatment but very few people face challenges in their journey. Whenever our patients experience any difficu
If you are concerned about your smile or teeth and want to get Invisalign or just started your treatment, you may be considering ways to shorten your treatment time. Differen
Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that involves the use of clear plastic and remova
An underbite is a common orthodontic condition responsible for many dental visits each year. It is a condition in which the lower jawprotrudes outwards more than the upper ja
Overbite is quite normal and common and might not need treatment except when it is severe and affecting your speech and eating. Overbite is a condition in which there is a ve
Lingual braces are a less popular orthodontic option that has a practical and aesthetic advantage when compared to alternative traditional metal braces. They are quite simila
Ceramic braces have been around for several decades. They are of the same size and shape as metal braces, only that they have a tooth-coloured like appearance that is known t
“Gappy teeth”is a common name for a condition experienced by both young and older people. This is where there is a prominent space between two teeth. It is common between
Orthodontic problems are referred to as instances where a patient has issues with their teeth; it could be the general appearance of their teeth or an abnormality either with
Six month smile is a kind of wire and bracket orthodontic correction for straightening your front upper and lower teeth within six months at the most. The treatment timing mi
In recent years, teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments in not only the UK but around the world. Everyone wants to have a great and whi
Diastema is simply a gap between two teeth. They are quite common in children, and you shouldn’t be worried about them because those spaces disappear when the adult teeth a
How your teeth grow can affect your appearance and how you smile. For good appearances generally, your teeth need to be properly aligned. Impacted canines happen when both of
‘Malocclusion’ simply means a misaligned bite. One or multiple crooked teeth can mean the lower and upper teeth do not come together in a normal position, affecting appea